
Holiness for the Real World is unavailable, but you can change that!

What is holiness? What does it mean to live a holy life? Can an ordinary person aspire to be holy? In this practical, highly readable book, you will discover the meaning of holiness and be inspired to seek this life-transforming experience for yourself. A unique panel of experts, including a theologian, a mega-church pastor, an inner-city pastor, and a national church leader, explain the power...

We’ve also talked a lot about sharing. I said, “How many things are in your home that you ought to be sharing with somebody else? You’re not giving it away, and you need to give it away. We are going to have an Acts 2:44 experience. We are going to have an un-garage un-sale. I want you to bring it to the church. It’s not going to be sold, people are going to come to the church and pick up what they want.” Now at first it looked like a disaster, but the ladies of the church who love garage sales went
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